Delivery Date AI

Delivery Date AI

Our platform introduces an intelligence layer to the power of ultrasound technology, seeing beyond the human eye, adding new dimensions of insights to improve outcomes for mothers and babies.​

Conocimiento impulsado por la IA

The Delivery Date AITM potencia mejores resultados.

Deliver Date AI uses advanced technology to predict likely delivery dates from ultrasounds as early as eight weeks into pregnancy. ​

It provides real-time, non-invasive insights, helping obstetricians assess preterm delivery risks and identify specific areas of concern for personalized care.

Results are generated instantly and seamlessly integrate with most ultrasound systems, requiring no extra hardware. ​

Built on a diverse dataset, Delivery Date AI ensures accurate predictions across all populations, empowering specialists to guide parents confidently through every step of the journey.

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Delivery Date AI Platform Highlights
  • Utiliza IA para crear un rango de fechas estimadas de parto utilizando ocho áreas anatómicas
  • Predicts Delivery birth as early as eight weeks of gestation
  • Proporciona un rango de fechas estimadas de parto para una madre específica y su bebé
  • Entregado en flujos clínicos existentes (PACS)
  • Más preciso y accesible que otros métodos como pruebas de sangre

  • FDA DISCLAIMER: US FDA has not evaluated the efficacy of this product. For Research Use Only.
Entrenado con millones de imágenes de ultrasonido, probado en miles de embarazos

Crossing all the social determinants of healthcare outcomes such as ethnicity, income, or education, the Ultrasound.AI data set incorporates millions of images and thousands of pregnancies. Actual births occur within the Delivery Date AI 90% of the time across a diverse population of patients.

Más allá de la caja negra de la IA

Instead of a single number common to many AI algorithms, Delivery Date AI provides a plot of the likelihood of delivery which helps clinicians to better interpret the level of concern. The model shows the user what it “sees,” making it possible for clinicians to match the AI’s areas of concern with their clinical judgment and the patient’s medical history.

Apoyo al Estándar de Atención

Optimizando el rendimiento del sistema de salud para los proveedores y sus pacientes.

”Ultrasound AI software as a delivery date predictor is highly sensitive. Above all, it is very useful in cases that could involve a premature birth. For these reasons, I recommend its use to every obstetrician or ultrasound technician in obstetrics as a highly valuable tool for predicting the day of delivery.”​ Dr. Germán Vecchini​ (Ginecólogo Obstetra​ ) Chile​

“Predictive diagnostics in women’s healthcare will be revolutionary. UltrasoundAI & DeliveryDateAI are realizing that potential.” David Gruen, MD, MBA, FACR | Former Chief Medical Officer, Merative Radiologist, Jefferson Radiology

From Chile, endless thanks to Ultrasound AI for revolutionizing women’s health. Your technology helps us detect high-risk pregnancies that once went unnoticed and opens doors to innovative research in gynecological and breast ultrasounds. Together, we’re making a real difference for vulnerable communities and shaping the future of medicine!” – Dr. Rodrigo Alliende Ferrada, Gynecologist Oncologist
Resultados en tiempo real para mejores resultados
Se proyecta que los resultados del paciente mejoren en un 33%
Adopción clínica intuitiva
Se proyecta que los costos de salud se reduzcan en un 25%

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